Sunshine in the garden
The sun has been shining in our peaceful corner of North Wales for the last few days (in contrast to the forecast offered by the the two online weather services we checked). This has resulted in a burst of gardening energy from somewhere within me and much as I would have liked to sit down with my knitting while Tilly was busy washing up dishes in the sunshine, notice I sneaked a few plastic plantpots in there for her attention, I decided to make the most of it and answer the call of the wild.
Dylan was busy in a field with a stick, he has spent the best part of the weekend out there, not sure what he is doing but, I am brotherless so many of the doings of little boys are all new and mysterious to me.
And I have been trying to tame parts of the garden. Many of the seeds I sowed with such enthusiasm are now making a jungle of the greenhouse. It seems everything needs doing at once, potting on, hardening off or planting out. I am not very good at thinning out, it seems so wrong somehow, but I need to be more heartless. I now realise all the errors I made when eagerly sowing my seeds all those weeks ago. We'll never eat all those beans and while we enjoy pasta pesto as much as the next family, I wonder if it may actually be possible to overdose on basil? Yet I seem not to sown nearly enough potatoes or carrots and I am beginning to learn the importance of never ever forgetting to label!! My new mantra will be "write a label, you will not remember what it is, it is not obvious, your mind is like a sieve".
I did manage to find a little window of opportunity though, outdoor knitting, ahhh, does life get any better?
PS Any chance of the flapjack recipe? Thanks for your offer in the previous post - I did email you, but don't think it went through for some reason. No rush - but I keep thinking about it!! I will try again.