The extra fabrics I ordered for the Christening present quilt finally arrived on Monday so I have been pressing on ever since but as we are due to travel down this Friday it is very unlikely that the whole thing will be completed. I am cross with myself, for once I was very organised, I started planning this quilt months ago and yet still I haven't managed to complete in time. Anyway, this is how it's looking with the new fabrics. The stronger red stripe gives it a much bolder (and hopefully more masuline feel) and I have changed the blue and pink stripe for a blue and white stripe. I left the flower, after all, this baby has a bossy older sister so there are going to be some flowers in his life whether he likes it or not.
Caroline suggested changing the stripe directions which sort of went against my original idea but seems to work better in this case. Interestingly my husband made the point this seemed more uniform than my usual style, I hadn't realised I was an un-uninform type but perhaps I am... I still need to decide what to do about border and backing, I was thinking the blue stripe? Of course in my heart of hearts I think a little floral rosebud type sprig would be scrumptious and would mix it all up a bit but there I go with all the girlieness again, I am finding it very hard to think "boy". All ideas gratefully welcomed.
Duh, I am editing this post for the 3rd time, I think I need to increase fish oil intake!
what a lucky child. No doubt that this will be kept as a heirloom for future generations to enjoy
PS India, if you need a hand with your skirt just shout. Happy to help !
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