Where did all the time go?
The time thief has been running through this house, stealing hours, minutes and days. There is too much to do of late and I feel myself withdrawing as I am apt to do under pressure, shortage of time makes me procrastinate all the more, refusing to prioritise and sticking my head in the sand.
It has been a very busy week and not least of those busy things was a birthday tea. Our little Tilly turned five on Thursday. Five! My goodness, how can that possibly be? She is certainly a girl now, no longer a toddler, no longer a baby, but a girl, a girl who can read new words every day. A girl who knows her own mind and thankfully, a girl who still likes hugs and cuddles and stories on the sofa. I feel a little sad to say goodbye to those baby years, a little sad that there will be no more babies in this house but I try to balance it out by being thankful for the fact each stage of childhood brings its own riches. Right now, my children are these wonderful, creative little beings, absorbed for hours by their activities, full of knowledge and thirsty for more, their senses of humour developing by the day (including a rather disturbing, and all too familiar, knack for sarcastic irony!). I love every stage of their development but still cannot help but feel a little sad for what has passed.
This little top is knitted in Kidsilk Haze. Linnet, from The Rowan Storybook of Little Knits. The pattern was simple and I love the way it turned out, it looks great on her, but no modelled shots today. The days have been so dark and the light is all gone by the time the children get home from school, besides, she really needs some cute little tweed cropped trousers to complete the look and I haven't managed to make them yet (see time thief, above).
Ahhhh, Kidsilk Haze, how I love your fuzzy joys.
I had no problems with the pattern but as for all those seams......... The front piece is made from three panels, this really makes for a pretty top but seaming Kidsilk Haze in such a dark colour and on such dark days is not a recipe for joy.
The time thief has been running through this house, stealing hours, minutes and days. There is too much to do of late and I feel myself withdrawing as I am apt to do under pressure, shortage of time makes me procrastinate all the more, refusing to prioritise and sticking my head in the sand.
It has been a very busy week and not least of those busy things was a birthday tea. Our little Tilly turned five on Thursday. Five! My goodness, how can that possibly be? She is certainly a girl now, no longer a toddler, no longer a baby, but a girl, a girl who can read new words every day. A girl who knows her own mind and thankfully, a girl who still likes hugs and cuddles and stories on the sofa. I feel a little sad to say goodbye to those baby years, a little sad that there will be no more babies in this house but I try to balance it out by being thankful for the fact each stage of childhood brings its own riches. Right now, my children are these wonderful, creative little beings, absorbed for hours by their activities, full of knowledge and thirsty for more, their senses of humour developing by the day (including a rather disturbing, and all too familiar, knack for sarcastic irony!). I love every stage of their development but still cannot help but feel a little sad for what has passed.
This little top is knitted in Kidsilk Haze. Linnet, from The Rowan Storybook of Little Knits. The pattern was simple and I love the way it turned out, it looks great on her, but no modelled shots today. The days have been so dark and the light is all gone by the time the children get home from school, besides, she really needs some cute little tweed cropped trousers to complete the look and I haven't managed to make them yet (see time thief, above).
Ahhhh, Kidsilk Haze, how I love your fuzzy joys.
I had no problems with the pattern but as for all those seams......... The front piece is made from three panels, this really makes for a pretty top but seaming Kidsilk Haze in such a dark colour and on such dark days is not a recipe for joy.
Cute top - just perfect for a new 5-year old.