10-01-2008The sun briefly pierced the gloom today, I love the shadows it creates at this time of year.

I first read about project 365 at Domesticali and remembered coming across it last year too. I am not much of a joiner and in spite of finally getting myself a flickr account a few months ago I really have not got around to using it a whole lot, however, I do like the idea of this project and using it as a means of blogging more often and using my camera more often so I have decided to follow my own mini version of the project, right here, on my blog and see how I like it. Maybe, if I really get into the swing of it I will bite the bullet and try to join the group.

I will continue with my usual blog posts of course and I hope this little photo project will not put anyone off visiting.


Ali said…
I'm sure it won't with lovely shots like that one. No sun here today. None at all.
Cybèle said…
Not off-putting it all - meant to say, nice to have you back after that long break! Beautiful photo. I was so busy today that I don't even remember what the weather was like today, apart from hearing the rain on the conservatory roof when the children came home from school this afternoon!

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