A Pill Box Hat and other things

I write to you today from a strange computer in a strange place (well, in truth the strange place is simply The Technical Advisor's desk but with all its wires, gadgets and clutter, that can be a very strange place indeed!)

Sadly I am not only without my laptop for the moment but also my camera and that is very hard, over the last couple of years my camera has become such an important tool to me and even more so this year with my effort to take a photo every day as part of project 365. Being without my tool makes me realise how important it has become to me, causing me to look at the world from different angles, appreciate the differences in light that come with the changing seasons.
As I am likely to be without computer and camera for some time I did consider putting the blog to sleep and that still might happen. I wondered what it would be like to live in such a technology free zone for a time, unable to quickly google alternative muffin recipes or look up "pillbox hats" on a whim. It is still possible that I might disconnect for a period but for the moment I am still considering, trying out the thought of it, getting used to the changes. A kind friend has in fact loaned me a camera which should quite suffice if I can my head around it and The Technical Advisor has encouraged me to use his desk and not go cold turkey, he is worried that I will miss my blogging and I am sure that is true.

It seems as I grow older I grow more set in my habits and resistant to change. This has surprised me, I thought I was more flexible than that, I didn't realise the roots that had grown from my feet, anchoring me, I didn't realise how much reliance on routine and predictability had crept into my being, once upon a time I thrived on change and surprise but now it makes my heart sink a little. So here I am, writing from the other side of the room and trying to adjust to some changes and rather aptly, as I upload the images for this post I noticed just how quickly the light was changing this afternoon from light and piercing to dark and brooding.

I write to you today from a strange computer in a strange place (well, in truth the strange place is simply The Technical Advisor's desk but with all its wires, gadgets and clutter, that can be a very strange place indeed!)
Sadly I am not only without my laptop for the moment but also my camera and that is very hard, over the last couple of years my camera has become such an important tool to me and even more so this year with my effort to take a photo every day as part of project 365. Being without my tool makes me realise how important it has become to me, causing me to look at the world from different angles, appreciate the differences in light that come with the changing seasons.
As I am likely to be without computer and camera for some time I did consider putting the blog to sleep and that still might happen. I wondered what it would be like to live in such a technology free zone for a time, unable to quickly google alternative muffin recipes or look up "pillbox hats" on a whim. It is still possible that I might disconnect for a period but for the moment I am still considering, trying out the thought of it, getting used to the changes. A kind friend has in fact loaned me a camera which should quite suffice if I can my head around it and The Technical Advisor has encouraged me to use his desk and not go cold turkey, he is worried that I will miss my blogging and I am sure that is true.
It seems as I grow older I grow more set in my habits and resistant to change. This has surprised me, I thought I was more flexible than that, I didn't realise the roots that had grown from my feet, anchoring me, I didn't realise how much reliance on routine and predictability had crept into my being, once upon a time I thrived on change and surprise but now it makes my heart sink a little. So here I am, writing from the other side of the room and trying to adjust to some changes and rather aptly, as I upload the images for this post I noticed just how quickly the light was changing this afternoon from light and piercing to dark and brooding.