This year's first...
Water bomb war. It's just possible that dressing in a wetsuit and goggles may have given Tilly something of an unfair advantage.
Garden grown rhubarb. Just a few weeks ago this rhubarb was still buried below a frozen ground. Yesterday it was baked in a pudding.
Saturday evening G&T. Sipped outdoors in the warmth of the day's fading sunshine. Well deserved after a day of garden labouring.
This weekend the sun shone long and warm upon us here in Suffolk, we soaked up every single moment of those precious rays. It's so good to take life outdoors again.
Water bomb war. It's just possible that dressing in a wetsuit and goggles may have given Tilly something of an unfair advantage.
Garden grown rhubarb. Just a few weeks ago this rhubarb was still buried below a frozen ground. Yesterday it was baked in a pudding.
Saturday evening G&T. Sipped outdoors in the warmth of the day's fading sunshine. Well deserved after a day of garden labouring.
This weekend the sun shone long and warm upon us here in Suffolk, we soaked up every single moment of those precious rays. It's so good to take life outdoors again.
Already beginning to feel a bit overwhelmed by our very prolific rhubarb plants! Must come up with some more ideas...
K x
Long may this sunshine last!