So good I made it twice
Thank you for all your kind comments on my last post, the colours of the blankets are indeed working wonders for my mood, they cannot make my worries disappear but they can certainly tint them a little brighter.
I bought this Liberty print on Ebay some time ago and as usual I spent too long paralysed by indecision as to what to make from it. Eventually I decided to play it safe and went another Yard Sale Wrap Skirt, from Weekend Sewing: More Than 40 Projects and Ideas for Inspired Stitching. I made this last year and thoroughly enjoyed the whole twirliness of it. Thankfully this time around I knew about all about the errata before I began.
The lady in the book wears her skirt whilst looking rather fetching up a ladder in the orchard.
I thought I would re-create that image for you. This is me just casually picking fruit in my new skirt. I always hold my tummy in and stretch that way when cherry picking.
Thank you for all your kind comments on my last post, the colours of the blankets are indeed working wonders for my mood, they cannot make my worries disappear but they can certainly tint them a little brighter.
I bought this Liberty print on Ebay some time ago and as usual I spent too long paralysed by indecision as to what to make from it. Eventually I decided to play it safe and went another Yard Sale Wrap Skirt, from Weekend Sewing: More Than 40 Projects and Ideas for Inspired Stitching. I made this last year and thoroughly enjoyed the whole twirliness of it. Thankfully this time around I knew about all about the errata before I began.
The lady in the book wears her skirt whilst looking rather fetching up a ladder in the orchard.
I thought I would re-create that image for you. This is me just casually picking fruit in my new skirt. I always hold my tummy in and stretch that way when cherry picking.
From One Who Knows.......
I am envious though - there are not enough muscles in the world to suck my tummy in that much :-)
I have issues fitting skirts but this one looks like it might work for me.
I have that book and can't find anything that will let me trace the patterns on to other paper - my john lewis just had plastic slidy paper which would not stay still - so I gave up. But I want to make that skirt, and the pyjamas, and the shirt, and the trapeze dress.......... Many thanks Patti
and your photos make me smile!
nice skirt too.
hope you are enjoying the hols
ginny x