Getting technical
Somehow or another I found myself turning 40 a few weeks ago. How this came to be still seems something of a puzzle to me, it really does seem only yesterday that I was 30 but a decade has rushed by trailing me in its wake. I do not feel 40 and I am not sure that I have gained the sort of wisdom and gravitas that a lady of 40 should have.
I am very much still the sort of person who might leave the house with her skirt tucked into her knickers and I am not sure that should still be happening at 40.
Now I think I am a pretty easy person to buy for, any trinket, junk, antique, fabric, accessory, gallery type shop is sure to yield at least half a dozen things which I would certainly be over the moon with and The Technical Advisor knows me well. One of the first things he ever bought me was a coffee machine but he learned his lesson well and I cannot think of a disappointment since, he particularly shines in the jewellery department.
This year he went technical. A definite risk, yes. I am not a gadget girl. I have owned a mobile phone for about ten years now, it has most certainly never been the latest model, it has often been The Techical Advisor's cast off, I have never known the number and rarely kept it charged. I could not have easily told you the make of any of the phones I owned and you could certainly count upon fingers and toes the quantity of text messages I have ever sent.
So you might think he was taking a chance by giving me an iPhone for my birthday!
But The Technical Advisor judged me well. I do so love this phone. I think Apple designed this phone just for people like me - a whole previously untapped market, the non-technical housewife type. I can text now, because Apple make it easy to add correct punctuation. I can listen to music. I have the Waitrose app and I recently completed Angry Birds. The BBC iPlayer app means I can catch up on The Archers whenever I need to and my Met office app means my need to continually check the weather forecast is easily met. I even kind of like that The Technical Advisor gave me a spirit level app.
And of course, I love, love that my new toy really rather lends itself to being sewn for.
Somehow or another I found myself turning 40 a few weeks ago. How this came to be still seems something of a puzzle to me, it really does seem only yesterday that I was 30 but a decade has rushed by trailing me in its wake. I do not feel 40 and I am not sure that I have gained the sort of wisdom and gravitas that a lady of 40 should have.
I am very much still the sort of person who might leave the house with her skirt tucked into her knickers and I am not sure that should still be happening at 40.
Now I think I am a pretty easy person to buy for, any trinket, junk, antique, fabric, accessory, gallery type shop is sure to yield at least half a dozen things which I would certainly be over the moon with and The Technical Advisor knows me well. One of the first things he ever bought me was a coffee machine but he learned his lesson well and I cannot think of a disappointment since, he particularly shines in the jewellery department.
This year he went technical. A definite risk, yes. I am not a gadget girl. I have owned a mobile phone for about ten years now, it has most certainly never been the latest model, it has often been The Techical Advisor's cast off, I have never known the number and rarely kept it charged. I could not have easily told you the make of any of the phones I owned and you could certainly count upon fingers and toes the quantity of text messages I have ever sent.
So you might think he was taking a chance by giving me an iPhone for my birthday!
But The Technical Advisor judged me well. I do so love this phone. I think Apple designed this phone just for people like me - a whole previously untapped market, the non-technical housewife type. I can text now, because Apple make it easy to add correct punctuation. I can listen to music. I have the Waitrose app and I recently completed Angry Birds. The BBC iPlayer app means I can catch up on The Archers whenever I need to and my Met office app means my need to continually check the weather forecast is easily met. I even kind of like that The Technical Advisor gave me a spirit level app.
And of course, I love, love that my new toy really rather lends itself to being sewn for.
I hope you don't think me rude but I wonder if you used a tutorial or anything to make your iPhone cover.
I only ask because I'm about to mail an iPod Touch to my dad tomorrow (it is his 65th birthday on Friday) and I think it would be nice if I made something to go with it. I could have a go myself of course but yours looks perfect and had the headphone section.
Anyway, congratulations! Have a wonderful day!
I'm nearly one decade on - and I think I now know what I want for my birthday!
Oh. My.
I've become one of those people who is always playing games and checking email on the bus.
Belated happy birthday to you!
I envy your iphone, and its chic cover.
Did you eat lots of cake?
I am totally in love with my iPhone - the app store is a dangerous place...
What a great gift, I too love Apple products, they're so intuitive.
We don't have an iphone yet but my daughter recently got an ipod and my oh my, it's such a fun and cool gadget. First thing she downloaded was the bible :)
I have to confess that I am slightly addicted to the cookie dozer game too :)
Have fun with it!
Score on the birthday present, I must say. I'm green with envy. And I really love the cover you've made for it!
I'm just getting back to listening to The Archers now that the kids are back at school and don't interfere with my radio station. Didn't realise how much I'd actually missed it!
Then last month I got a Smart Phone, an HTC Aria, and how things have changed. I use it for the internet, for facebook to take pix, I love it, I even know my phone number. LOL
enjoy! i love mine!
K x
And by the way, I'm pretty sure that after 40 you are even MORE likely to have your skirt tucked into your knickers.
40 is a good age to be, 59 is not. I can assure you.