Little things
Some weekends are big, full of friends and laughter, food and wine, outings and plans. Other weekends are very much smaller, but still so very good in their own way.
This weekend was a small one. The children are exhausted with their back to school routine, already there is the feeling that half-term cannot come quick enough for this household but we had a quiet, re-charging sort of weekend.
Lazy weekend breakfasts finish up with coffee and the weekend papers.
Card games played and new tricks learned.
Autumn puddings baked and eaten. A fire lit and enjoyed whilst watching the rather wonderful Downton Abbey and dreaming of weekends gone by.
Some weekends are big, full of friends and laughter, food and wine, outings and plans. Other weekends are very much smaller, but still so very good in their own way.
This weekend was a small one. The children are exhausted with their back to school routine, already there is the feeling that half-term cannot come quick enough for this household but we had a quiet, re-charging sort of weekend.
Lazy weekend breakfasts finish up with coffee and the weekend papers.
Card games played and new tricks learned.
Autumn puddings baked and eaten. A fire lit and enjoyed whilst watching the rather wonderful Downton Abbey and dreaming of weekends gone by.
hurray for small weekends (even if I don't have one in sight yet...)
Helen x
K x
Thanks for the link to "Downtown Abbey". Hopefully, we'll get it here in the states some day. Seems all the good movies and TV programs come from your part of the world. All we seem to have here are tiresome reality shows and medical soap operas - ho hum ;).