I heart Liberty

I never seem to tire of those Liberty prints, no not one bit. I like them best in little bits.

As bias trim

Or a little decorative applique.

Perhaps just peeping out.

All that floral joy just makes me smile.

So when I came across a stack of pre-cut Liberty hearts on eBay, they simply had to be mine.

A chain of hearts, to cheer my window pane view of February.


Shelley in SC said…
I never thought about it, but I totally agree---I like the liberty best in little bits too!! Love the heart garland at the window! Dreamy!
rachel said…
My two (only two! I was very hard up!) maternity dresses, back in 1971 were A-line, Liberty print affairs, made by my mother. Nice, but oh how I tired of them! I was only too pleased to make dusters of them afterwards...

Your garland of hearts is very pretty!
Heather said…
So pretty ! I wonder what they were originally desyined to be ?
Heather said…
I did of course mean DESTINED - sigh. Note to self : preview before posting !
Lovely! I got so excited earlier when my boyfriend suggested a trip to Liberty this week when we're in London. I probably go there twice a year, but the chance to admire all those fabrics never gets old.
nicole said…
I love Liberty too. What a lovely find! Perfect for Valentine's Day. Your garland is charming.
Willow said…
The advantage of liberty in little bits is that you can have lots and lots of prints--the more the merrier!
Helen Philipps said…
I loved this post! I do agree that there is something so delightful about little bits of Liberty fabric here and there, to catch the eye among plainer fabrics. I love how you've made the heart garland - in fact all the pictures here are beautiful. Helen x
JuicyFig said…
I was lucky enough to live about 6 miles from the Liberty Mill shop in Burnley - it closed about 10 years ago, and I am still using the mountain of little bits and very large bits I got there - though I also love Sandersons, Laura Ashley, well, I love most fabrics really...! The hearts are gorgeous though!
Bethany said…
Mmmm... love your hearts! You are responsible for my love of liberty fabric in little bits!!
Jane said…
pre-cut? so lucky you!
Julia said…
Those little hearts are dreamy! Im going a little light headed with the Wanties actually!!
Beautiful patters, and what a very lovely idea to create those little garlands which look so very pretty in your window!

Love Julia x
Robin said…
*GASP* Beautiful!!
oh how I wish I lived in your part of the world...

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