Spring days

Sunshine on an early Spring day heralds the start of potion mixing season. Fairy soup, home made perfumes and curious bath time essences. Oh h
ow I remember doing this in my own childhood and whilst I quietly dispose of the stagnant, rotting contents after suitable period of time has passed I cannot help but smile to know that blossom and water can still provide so much fun in a digital age.

The rhubarb has flowered once again. I cut the stems quickly, eager for the plant to return its energy to fruiting, these un-fur
ling pink and green cauliflower like heads provide a strange sort of beauty when placed in a vase.

Tea outdoors, of course it tastes better.

Alongside potion mixing, den building is the order of the day.

Cherry blossom against a wide Suffolk sky. A promise of the fruits to come.


Pomona said…
My daughter still has a penchant for potions, and although she no longer makes the really yucky ones, she will fill old bottles with mixtures of rosewater and lavender oil - better than buying high street cosmetics, I think!

Pomona x
dottycookie said…
Den building and potion making, yes! Mine have been making tiny books full of magic spells for summoning unicorns.
kim said…
How I yearn for simpler times. Love your photos.
rachel said…
When very small, my sister used to make "witch's brew"..... if she could stand on a chair and do the washing up, and if there was a porridge pan and a teapot full of loose leaves to add to the mix, she was in heaven.....
Ali said…
I cannot remember enjoying a Spring as much as this one ever before. It has just been beautiful.

I was a potion maker too!
kristina said…
Oh the weather is so gorgeous now! But I didn't manage to catch G before he threw our rhubarb flowers in the compost :( K x
Anonymous said…
I think it's instinctive at this time of year. I don't make rose petal potions anymore but I am stockpiling jars and bottles for all the lovely goodies I shall be making starting with the elderflowers (when they finally come out!)
Anonymous said…
I used to make rose petal perfume - always believing that it wouldn't end up slimy and smelly like every other year!!
Arianwen said…
gosh seeding rhubarb already. I just looked at mine and thought it looked nearly ready for a second feed.
I remember stripping a rose bush of it's petals one Summer when I was (much) younger trying to make perfume - happy days. I don't think my mum was best pleased though.

Nina x
Jane said…
oh gosh, I can't wait for warmer weather. They say tomorrow it will be here!
Linda said…
Lovely spring pictures! I used to make petal potions!
Unknown said…
I remember making 'perfume' with rose petals and daisies...


... those were the days...

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