Strange but true

Now I really hope that what I am about to say does immediately lead to readers running from my blog with all the haste they can muster.

But it struck me this morning, a little blearily admittedly as it was 6.45am, that I rather like ironing.

I'm not sure how it happened. Very gradually I think. As I have mentioned before I rather like ironing freshly washed brand new fabric lengths but this is a little different.

This is napkins and tea towels and crisp, double cuffed shirts. Bed linen and t-shirts. All carefully pressed and folded.

I like it. I like how they look, I like the smell, I like the steam. I find myself enjoying the process, it feels....quite relaxing! Is this what middle age feels like?

I will be attending my first Christmas Event tomorrow (and am feeling full of nerves) - Walpole Barn If you are in the vicinity I do hope you will say hello.


blue hands said…
Good luck with the craft fair. The ironing's a bit weird, but I'll still come back for more!
the veg artist said…
I like ironing. It's calming if approached in the right way, with fabric still slightly damp. Shirts hung and everything else folded on the rack = order and control (for a little while, anyway!).
Unknown said…
of all the housework chores I like ironing the best.

(vacuuming is the wort)
Not So Granny said…
Ironing is strictly for blocking yarn, before sewing a seam or doing t-shirt transfers. FACT.
Very best luck at your craft fair. Very tempted to steal the car and come but its an hour and a half away.
rachel said…
I really like hanging washing out - has to be in an orderly fashion, and preferably colour-coordinated - but it's strangely soothing and satisfying. And pegs can't be left out on the line, ever! But ironing is less appealing.

Hope the Christmas event goes well!
Thimbleanna said…
Beautiful Photos -- Good Luck Tomorrow!
Piia said…
Sounds great! I love doing the dishes (?!) and there's still 10 days until my nineteenth birthday. I guess these things have nothing to do with age. ;)
Peeriemoot said…
My mum actively enjoys ironing too (and always has done, so it's not an age thing). I iron very little - just for weddings, funerals, and school photographs! - but I don't really mind it when I have to. It's sort of soothing and mindless. I'd hate it if I had to do it all the time though!
Robin said…
I understand. I wish it were how I felt about ironing. It isn't.

I have a friend who loves the calm that comes from hanging the washing on the line during those blissful days of summer.
Anonymous said…
If you lived closer to me I should pay you to iron my linen. I don't like housework at all.
Andi said…
While I am not a fan of ironing, my mother is. She even irons her pillowcases and sheets. Since I can deal with her "ironing love", I will still come visit you. :)
I'm with you on the smell of freshly ironed things, but I get bored, and want to sit down after I've ironed three or four items.

Good luck at Walpole Barn :D
I'm absolutely with you on the smell of freshly ironed things, but I get bored, and want to sit down after I've ironed three or four items.

Good luck at Walpole Barn :D
driftwood said…
hope the craft fair went well.
ironing is impossible in this house, my cats adore the ironing board, especially once you start using it and it gets warm....
Dotty said…
Hmmmm! I quite like ironing too(if the pile isn't too big), but I have to admit to being one of those slovenly sorts who never,evr iron teatowels or bedding!
I don't dislike ironing particularly and , given the right music or audio book , can produce a reasonable pile before the urge to go and do something else .... anything else ... sets in .
But before breakfast ?
Alison said…
Goos luck with the craft fair - only things I like ironing are fabric when I am crafting - luckily that is 99% of my ironing!
Gina said…
This is worrying... my husband irons his own shirts and I only do my own stuff if absolutely necessary. Good luck with the fair.
Eloise Grey said…
I like ironing too - it's so satisfying seeing all that folded linen beautifully pressed. It's part of the process of caring for textiles. I love taking stiffly dry linen or cotton off the line and smoothing out the creases. Must say my 'semi-pro' steam generator has enhanced the experience.

However, there also times when there is simply too much to do and it piles up relentlessly.
Eloise Grey said…
P.S. Hope the show went really well.

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