To dunk

Or not to dunk.

I grew up very much a non-dunker of biscuits.

This may be in part due to the fact that my childhood biscuit tin consisted mostly of Jaffa Cakes and Fig Rolls. Yes, I know, that raises a whole other can of worms, is it a cake or is it a biscuit? For the purposes of this discussion my point is that whatever their official VAT related status may be, they are not great for dunking. Entirely the wrong texture.

I spent my student years rather horrified by all the dunking that went on around me. Being un-initated, and predominantly a coffee drinker, it seemed an alien habit indeed.

Then I met The Technical Advisor and had to modify my views on dunking.

And eventually I joined him. In tea drinking and dunking.

But only Ginger Nuts. Surely there cannot be a biscuit better suited to dunking?

In case you were wondering, I make my Ginger Nuts according to the excellent Linda Collister recipe in my well thumbed copy of Cookies, Biscuits and Biscotti (The baking series)


alice c said…
I don't dunk. But I could be persuaded. Just send a tin of those biscuits by courier and I will try to get the hang of it.
Not So Granny said…
This is going to make me sound frightfully middle class but I only dunk biscotti in latte. Oh gosh - not a phrase I ever thought I'd say!
Ali said…
I dislike the sludge in the bottom of the tea post-dunkfest. Perhaps I could dunk mine in someone else's tea...
the veg artist said…
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...Nina Nixon... said…
To dunk....for sure.

It has to be oaty to absorb without falling apart and covered in chocolate (one side) - a good old digestive is normally a safe bet, but on the non homemade side it's got to be a chocolate hobnob.

You would love Peter Kaye's take on this subject.

Nina x
Celia Hart said…
Yes I'm a dunker (but we rarely have biscuits of any kind lurking - far too tempting for someone who works from home!)

But, yes Ginger Nuts are the best for dunking, coming close are Shortcake and Hobnobs. Nice are nice but you need to be very quick and the tea left to cool a tiny bit... a skill that's worth acquiring ;-)

cathleen said…
I am not a dunker at all. I like my cookies or biscuits crisp not soggy and not to mention, I don't like floaters in my tea or coffee.
Annie said…
A non dunker here, but looking at these I could be tempted to change my ways.
Elizabeth said…
I've only ever dunked ginger thins. Those tins from Ikea. I haven't had one in YEARS.
Bee said…
I'm not a big dunker, either, except for the tiniest corner of a Rich Tea maybe. (I eat these only pre-breakfast, when I'm feeling fragile.)

Your Ginger Nuts, though! I'll just say that I immediately went to Amazon and ordered that book.
Robin said…
I'm a life-long dunker. I'm not a fan of dunking in my morning cup of tea, though. I prefer it to be pure and un-crummy. :-)

I adore the flavor and texture of dunked ginger cookies. mmmmmmm
Unknown said…
I am also a dunker, but under certain conditions. The cookies need to be warm and gooey, so sometimes I need to use the microwave on not just-from-the-oven cookies. These look delicious though!!

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