
The Technical Advisor would be the first to admit (under his breath) that he has many faults.

But in other ways,

he is absolutely perfect.

Because it isn't every man who would get up early to unwrap packet upon packet of Loveheart Sweets.

Just to make his wife smile.


Ali said…
Awwww - I've come over all teary just imagining it.
Anonymous said…
You have a special man there!
rachel said…
Aaaawwww... what a sweetheart! But then he must think that about you too!
Locket Pocket said…
How totally fantastic! You lucky girl! x
Annie said…
Brilliant! I bet that totally made your day :D

My silly fella bought me sparklers ... such fun bundling out in the dark yesterday to write our names with them on the night!
Monica said…
not only he got up early...what's most admirable is that he did not eat them all. just kidding. agreed with all the comments above: he is a keeper.
oh bless!! made me melt completely - how really really totally lovely!
have to just add - well you are obviously doing something right!! well done and keep at it! seeing your post must have been totally heart melting for him too!

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