Right now

Right now the silence is deafening as the house silently breathes in the lonely air and as suddenly as the noise and chaos erupted six short weeks ago it stops.  Just like that.

The Nerf bullets lie abandoned in dusty corners.

A bedroom windowsill holds the forgotten remains of a desert crash scene.


And the wounded stand still.  

The Sylvanians lie undisturbed in their beds.

The keyboard is struck dumb.

And Elizabeth despairs of her tangled hair and inappropriate clothing.  

School is back and I am filled with those same old feelings of redundancy.  I know my days will soon resume their peaceful rhythm and I will rejoice in the hours of solitude but it takes a while.  It takes a while.


dottycookie said…
It dies take a while. we're three days in and I still feel off kilter.
Annie Cholewa said…
Not redundant at all, just needed differently.
Tracy x said…
oh my what a hauntingly beautiful post
Ali said…
I wish I had experienced that day - my first day with the back at school was more fraught that full of solitude. But yes, the change of rhythm really does take some getting used to.
Cybèle said…
I had to swallow a lump with that post - so recognisable. I am so glad I am working from the office today and can't notice the quietness at home.
Catherine said…
Exactly how I feel! Sob! Cx
martha said…
This is so recognizable to me too; even though we made a last minute decision to keep our youngest home another year, having one child gone creates a completely different atmosphere.

I did have a laugh over poor Elizabeth here.
lavender attic said…
Aw, this made me laugh out loud, especially poor Elizabeth!
You'll be fine...
x Sally
Kari said…
Our home is even more quiet and odd feeling. Our eldest just left for university halfway across the country (and in Canada, that's a long way). Now there are only three of us. I keep setting the table wrong and wondering why there is so much less laundry and walking by an achingly empty bedroom. He's having a great time, but my, oh my, is he missed.
Jelley said…
Is Elizabeth still in her ball gown desperately attempting to untangle her wild hair?
A lovely post with some touching comments.
driftwood said…
be gentle on yourself.
(I managed one day of redunancy until an ill child refilled my empty space....)
Jane said…
I always feel like this the first week back to school. I wish and wish for school to start and then miss them something awful that first week.
Anonymous said…
Elizabeth is admiring her hair

Love Tilly Rebecca's daughter
Anonymous said…
I'm already beginning to dread 2014 when the oldest leaves for university ...

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