On a fine day

Somehow I missed April altogether.

But the unfurling Spring blossom and the lengthening days have reaching for my camera and finding my words.

On a fine day there are few things nicer that a trip up the Suffolk coast.

That long expanse of shingle beach, the weather worn fishing boats and an endless stretch of sky.

The glint of Maggi Hambling's Scallop draws us like magnets, we cannot pass it without a pause. 

We strolled from Aldeburgh to Thorpeness where we stopped for ice-cream and wondered at the mist rolling magically across The Meare.  Back again to Aldeburgh for fish and chips on the beach.

Yes, on a fine day there can be few things nicer.


Anonymous said…

Aldeburgh is the only place where I can be persuaded to eat fish and chips, the quality of the fish being the deciding factor. A place I love to visit.
Jane said…
It looks like a beautiful place. I'm glad you are enjoying your Spring!
Ali said…
What lovely pictures of what was here too, a glorious weekend!
Willow said…
There is nothing better than a day at the beach!
Dotty said…
Beautiful photos! A day at the seaside can blow away the cobwebs!
a friend to knit with said…
oh my goodness. these photos are AMAZING!
Anonymous said…
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Unknown said…
Beautiful pictures, and words, as always. I love The Shell, we have a selection of photos of Scarlett climbing on it over the years.

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