In a month

The bluebells came in a haze of blue and now are fading fast.  All is green and lush and Suffolk could hardly be more beautiful right now.


The wettest and coldest of Spring weeks ended in a glorious blaze of sunshine, just in time for our annual bank holiday "grown-ups versus children water fight".

A tradition that has become one of the highlights of our year.  This time around saw a whole new level of weaponry and cunning employed.  It's all in the planning.  Well, that and who has control of the hose of course.

And how do water fighting children entertain themselves at night?  With their very own gambling den of course.

I'm guessing that I hardly need add that grown-ups entertain themselves with wine, good food and laughter.  Of course, we had spin of the wheel too.




dottycookie said…
It's amazing; a week ago I wouldn't have thought water fighting would have been feasible without risking hypothermia, but now ... !
Elizabeth said…
...We did win the water fight though...didnt we...? Happy days.
Cybèle said…
if that is your eldest, he's suddenly 6ft tall!! And agree with you about Suffolk at the moment - glorious.
silverpebble said…
Oh, isn't the sun HEAVEN? I love the idea of a family water fight. It looks as though you had a marvellous time
Anonymous said…
Making use of the sun is a marvellous thing, glad you all had a good time.
All Things Nice said…
Have to join in to say yes Suffolk is amazingly beautiful at the moment.
Ali said…
Love the den of gambling vice - I have Scouts to thank for Mark knowing how to play poker. A life skill in its broader sense!
anne gillespie smith said…
thanks for lovely blog - as ever! it just made me smile - love it! anne

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