Today I am


a vase of daisies, self seeded they flourish in the long grass at the bottom of the garden.


lemon cookies, lemon scented buttery shortbread style biscuits.


delicate, refreshing, white tea, from the Savoy, no less. A gift from my
dear friend Kate.


with grey linen, a departure yes, but I love it, seems to go with all my favourite Liberty prints.

Listening to:

the rain. So rarely heard these days, softly tip-tapping upon the skylight, awakening the scent of rose and honeysuckle through the open window.

What are you doing today?


Shelley in SC said…
Sounds blissful. I could feel my shoulders relax just reading this!! Thanks for sharing a piece of your serenity : ).
Pomona said…
Wearing a vest and running in and out with the washing? I think it was a mistake to turn the Aga off - it has made the weather turn cold!

Pomona x
rachel said…
I am holding onto my sanity (I think) as my house-buying saga peaks and troughs - only without the peaks..... I would love to have your day instead!
Beth in Maryland said…
I'm at work! don't rub it in.
Anonymous said…
I would rather have had your day - I worked my way through the ironing basket!
Catherine said…
Rain rarely heard?!! I wish!! LOL!! Your day sounds lovely! Cx
Those lemon cookies look delicious, yum yum yum.
Victoria said…
What a delightful post. Stunning photos. x
I like your daisies.

I am...
Eating Greek yogurt w/ blueberries & honey. Enjoying the sun filtering into the living area. Planning what's next.

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