Turn that frown upside down

I have an irritating habit of enforcing jolliness and happiness upon my children when they are grumpy or sad. I try to buoy them up, I tell them that putting on a smile or thinking happy thoughts will work wonders at improving their mood.

Mostly they ignore me but sometimes it works.

It's advice that I would do well to take heed of at the moment for I have much on my plate, my shoulders weigh heavy and my heart feels sad. I don't think I can do anything much about the concerns that keep me awake at night, the worries that feel like I'm walking up hill with a rucksack full of rocks. They are things that must simply play their own way out.

But perhaps I could take a spoonful of my own medicine and put on a happy face for it surely does feel better to smile a little.

And maybe I need to return to working on this blanket, colours like this surely must be mood enhancing.

A new ripple blanket, much longed for, the old ripple is a family favourite. This time the colours are a little perkier, a good deal brighter and the sequence somewhat more thought about than that of the previous blanket.
I have an irritating habit of enforcing jolliness and happiness upon my children when they are grumpy or sad. I try to buoy them up, I tell them that putting on a smile or thinking happy thoughts will work wonders at improving their mood.
Mostly they ignore me but sometimes it works.
It's advice that I would do well to take heed of at the moment for I have much on my plate, my shoulders weigh heavy and my heart feels sad. I don't think I can do anything much about the concerns that keep me awake at night, the worries that feel like I'm walking up hill with a rucksack full of rocks. They are things that must simply play their own way out.
But perhaps I could take a spoonful of my own medicine and put on a happy face for it surely does feel better to smile a little.
And maybe I need to return to working on this blanket, colours like this surely must be mood enhancing.
A new ripple blanket, much longed for, the old ripple is a family favourite. This time the colours are a little perkier, a good deal brighter and the sequence somewhat more thought about than that of the previous blanket.
Such a jolly ripple though!
I do hope the weight lifts from your shoulders soon.
take care and happy rippling!
Nina xxx
I'm sure colour helps - I find it impossible to be truly sad while wearing orange.
K x
In the meantime, I do believe in the power of positivity. Any little bit of cheerfulness helps (esp. when it comes in cheery, yummy fibre).
Does the blanket have a pattern?
and as for you, missy... i will be thinking of you.. hoping you get your rest. i find sleep to be one of my most important ingredients to my mood. but sometimes you just have to embrace those times... to make the others seem that much sweeter...
good thoughts coming your way. xxoo